Course Details
Module 1 - Introduction to Power BI
In this module, you are introduced to the tools and services related to Power BI. You are introduced to the local tool Power BI Desktop, where you can develop Reports and Dashboards.
The following will be covered:- Introduction to Power BI
- Introduction to Power BI Desktop
Module 2 - Introduction to Datamodels
In this module you are introduced to different types of Datamodels and how to connect to them using Power BI Desktop. You are introduced to the structure in a Star Schema Model and the difference between Fact- and Dimensions tables.
The following will be covered:- Introduction to Star Schema Model
- Data in relational databases
- Data in a tabular data model
- Measures and calculated columns
- Hierarchies
Module 3 - Visuals
In this module you will learn how to implement a number of Visuals into a Power BI report. You will learn how to design- and format these Visuals.
The following will be covered:- Tables, Matrices and Charts
- Plotting geographical data
- Formatting the Visuals
Module 4 - Report layout
In this module you will learn some basic principles when designing reports. You’ll learn to use the correct Visuals when presenting certain key values. You will also learn how to create- and use themes, to secure a standardised design of your reports but also more time effective. Designing the report pages for mobile views are also presented.
The following will be covered:- Good principles for report/dashboard design
- Page formatting
- Themes
- Mobile Layout
Module 5 - Analysis in Visuals
In this module you will learn how to use conditional formatting in visuals, making the format more dynamic, so users easily can focus on the most important key values and quickly identify deviations. You will learn how to add additional analytic lines to the visuals e.g. averages and percentiles.
The following will be covered:- Small Multiples
- Sparklines
- Analytics lines
- Conditional formatting
Module 6 - Additional Visuals
In this module you will learn how to use more specialised visuals, amongst other Q&A, giving the option of querying data without having to build advanced DAX expressions. You will also learn how to import and use some of the many visuals from Microsoft AppSource.
The following will be covered:- Visuals from AppSource
- Score Cards
- Smart Narrative
- Q & A
Module 7 - Filters and Slicers
In this module you will learn how to use the filters panel and slicers in reports, so end users can select the data to focus on. You will learn to implement filters on different levels and how to synchronise slicers cross different report pages.
The following will be covered:- Filters between visuals
- Background filters
- Slicers
- Synchronising slicers between pages
Module 8 - Interactivity in reports
In this module you will learn how to implement different types of interactivities in the report. You will learn how to create page tooltips and drill-through. It is presented how to design reports with multiple pages and navigate through these pages e.g. by using buttons.
The following will be covered:- Tooltips and page tooltips
- Hierarchies and drill-down
- Drill-through
Module 9 - Bookmarks and navigation
In this module you will learn how to implement bookmarks in a report with more advanced interactivity e.g. using menus for changing between certain data or visuals on a page.
The following will be covered:- Introduction to bookmarks
- Creating and updating bookmarks
- Interactivity with bookmarks