SharePoint Experienced (conducted in English)
You will learn
This course is for you, who must administer a SharePoint site or must build a website, for your colleagues - for example in your department. You are responsible for designing the appearance and content of this site, containing libraries, lists, and subsites.
This course is also very relevant if you work with creating or maintaining the user's access rights on your sites, libraries, and lists or if you are managing user groups and their access to the site. The course is intended for you who has been assigned the role: Owner.
You will learn how to create subsites, choose which templates are useful in your specific situation and how you manage the settings on this site. You will also learn how to build libraries/lists, subsites and how to design these by using the relevant meta data and settings.
You'll learn how to make the navigation in all your files more transparent for your users by using custom columns (metadata) in your libraries and lists.
After this course you will be able to perform the following tasks:
Create and maintain websites, subsites, and content
Create and maintain webparts, and content placeholders
Edit the navigation interface on websites and webpages
Create and use the standard apps (site, library, and list templates)
Create and use metadata columns
Create and maintain the access rights for users and groups
Create and edit webpages
Use the integration between Microsoft Office and SharePoint
In the section, ”Course Details” below, you will find more details about the content of this course in SharePoint
You get
Before the course
The option to speak with one of our instructors, to ensure you can attend the right course for you.
During the course
Training by some of Denmark’s most experienced instructors in updated and modern facilities in the center of Copenhagen.
A course based on switching between theory and practical exercises. We at 4D know how important it is that you have the time to work with the subjects and tasks, which is why we always have a high focus on hands on during the course.
A course compendium, that can be used as a reference along with exercises, supporting the course.
Full catering, including breakfast, fresh brewed coffee, the, sodas, lunch at an Italian restaurant, cake, candy and of course wi-fi for your devices.
A course certificate proving your new qualifications.
After the course
Access to our free hotline, which means that, for a year after the course, can call or write us, if you have questions regarding the subjects, that has been part of the course.
Our unique satisfaction guarantee, which ensures you will have the best yield when attending our course.
Get the best benefit from the course
This SharePoint course is a part of 4D's unique collection of English conducted courses for Office and it is a pre- requisite that you have knowledge equal to, or have participated on the course SharePoint Basic.(see the data sheet for this course to see what you need to know before attending this course).
It is expected that you have participated or have a knowledge equal to that of our course SharePoint Basic.
Course Details
SharePoint in general
The following will be covered:
A general introduction to/repetition of the basic terms in SharePoint.
Introduction to the various types of site templates including team sites, Wiki sites, blogs and discussion boards
An introduction to the hierarchy of roles in SharePoint
Maintaining websites
The following will be covered:
Create websites
Maintain the appearance of your websites
Create and maintain the navigation on your website
Introduction to webpages and Wiki features
Publishing features
The following will be covered:
Introduction to website settings
Introduction to publishing on SharePoint
Maintaining user rights
The following will be covered:
Creating and using user groups
Maintaining user and group access rights
Creating and maintaining libraries and lists
The following will be covered:
Create libraries and lists
Maintain settings and access
Manage assets libraries
Import lists from Excel to SharePoint lists
Creating and maintaining views
The following will be covered:
Create and maintain views
Document handling
The following will be covered:
Create rules for start date, expiration date and others
Versioning and check out/in documents
Create and use metadata columns
Edit document templates
Working with Site Columns
Add web parts to webpages and websites
The following will be covered:
Introduction to content editing, multimedia apps and promoted links
Libraries and lists are also apps
Create connections between web parts
Presentation of integration with Microsoft Office
The following will be covered:
Introduction to the use of InfoPath forms in SharePoint (2013)
Publish Visio drawings
Social collaboration
The following will be covered: Activate rating on content Mentions and tags
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